Communication is the exchange of information between two parties. In any communication, the sender wants a definite action to be taken by the receiver. How do we make sure that the communication received by the receiver is same as intended by sender & that actions carried out based on such communication are as intended by sender.
In short, what are the essentials of effective communication?
1. The message should be useful & should have some purpose: Each message should have some purpose & it should be told clearly. The message should serve some useful purpose for both sender as well as receiver.
2. It should be brief but complete: ‘Brevity is the soul of wit’ should be the guiding principle in creating any message. Lengthy & too elaborate messages do not convey the intent of the sender & are difficult for the receiver to understand.
3. Should be simple & clear: All messages should use simple language. It should be clear about the intention of the sender. Complicated sentences & difficult language make it difficult for the receiver to understand the message.
4. Should have proper language: Proper & courteous language keeping the status of receiver in mind should be used. In case of verbal communication the language used, tone, body language etc. should also be kept in mind.
5 Should have provision for follow up: For any communication to be effective there should be provision for follow up so that the sender & receiver can both follow up with each other.